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09:00 Welcome and gatheringMeeting point: Chaise Auditorium (Communication Building)
09:30 Opening remarks and keynote lectureKeynote lecture: Prof. Andrés Monroy-Hernández Designing and deploying social computing systems inside and outside the lab Abstract: Social computing platforms, from Facebook to Uber, have permeated most aspects of our lives. In recent years, however, these platforms have contributed to critical societal issues ranging from isolation and misinformation, for example, in Instagram and Twitter, to exploitation facilitated by gig work platforms, for example, Grubhub or Uber. These challenges inspired my teams–in industry and academia–to create novel social computing systems. In this talk, I will show several systems designed to help people connect and collaborate. First, I will present Project IRL and Capybara, a suite of augmented reality (AR) social applications designed to foster creative expression and in-person play. Second, I will show Significant Otter, a wearable application that uses biosignals to facilitate new forms of interpersonal communication. Lastly, I will describe OpenDelivery, our team’s ongoing efforts to create alternative, decentralized, community-owned platforms for gig work and beyond. I will close by articulating the challenges and opportunities ahead for the field of human-computer interaction. About the speaker: Andrés Monroy-Hernández leads the Princeton HCI Lab, where he focuses on human-computer interaction and social computing. He is also an associated faculty at Princeton's Center for Information Technology and Policy, the Keller Center for Innovation, the Program in Cognitive Science, and the Program in Latin American Studies. He also serves on the board of the non-profit Crisis Text Line. Before Princeton, he spent a decade in industry research labs, first in the leadership team of Microsoft Research's FUSE Labs and then at Snap Research, where he founded and managed the HCI Research team. He has created technologies that help millions of people connect and collaborate in new ways, these include MIT's Scratch, an online community for children to learn programming; Microsoft's Meeting Scheduler, a scheduling agent that uses hybrid AI; Significant Otter, a smartwatch app for couples to connect using biosignals; and Snapchat's Project IRL, a suite of playful and co-located augmented reality experiences. His research has received best paper awards at CHI, CSCW, HCOMP, and ICWSM, and has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, Wired, BBC, and The Economist. Andrés was named one of the 35 Innovators under 35 by the MIT Technology Review magazine in Latin America and one of the most influential Latinos in Tech by CNET. Andrés was the technical program co-chair for CSCW 2018 and Collective Intelligence 2019. He was an editor for CSCW from 2019 to 2022 and is currently a member of the CSCW steering committee.
10:30 One minute papers' madnessAll papers present on stage for 1 minute
10:45 BreakDuring the break walking to Room C108, C109
11:00 Paper session 1.1 : AI Bias, Social Privacy, and Trust (Room C108)Enhancing Fairness Perception – Towards Human-Centred AI and Personalized Explanations Understanding the Factors Influencing Laypeople’s Fairness Perceptions of Algorithmic Decisions- Avital Shulner Tal, Doron Kliger and Tsvi Kuflik Implications of AI Bias in HRI: Risks (and Opportunities) when Interacting with a Biased Robot- Tom Hitron, Noa Morag and Hadas Erel Tell Me Something Interesting: Clinical Utility of Machine Learning Prediction Models in the ICU- Bar Eini Porat, Ofra Amir, Danny Eytan and Uri Shalit Social Support for Mobile Security: Comparing Close Connections and Community Volunteers in a Field Experiment- Tamir Mendel and Eran Toch
11:00 Paper session 1.2: Human behavior, Cognition, and Perception (Room C109)Evidence for the Merits of Collecting Streaming Music- Ofer Bergman, Steve Whittaker and Noa Gradovitch Designing Mobile Health Applications to Support Walking for Older Adults- Yasmin Felberbaum, Joel Lanir and Patrice L. Weiss AmBiDiguity does exist UI item Direction Interpretation by Bidirectional Users- Yulia Goldenberg and Noam Tractinsky Confirmative or Normative? Information Redundancy in Decision Support Systems- Yoav Ben Yaakov, Filmona Mulugeta and Joachim Meyer
12:00 Paper session 2.1: Novel Experiences and Emotional Connection (Room C108)Breathing based immersive interactions for enhanced agency and body awareness: a claustrophobia motivated study- Iddo Wald, Amber Maimon, Lucas Keniger de Andrade Gensas, Noemi Guiot, Meshi Ben Oz, Benjamin W. Corn and Amir Amedi Designing and Prototyping Drones for Emotional Support- Ori Fartook, Tal Oron-Gilad and Jessica Cauchard Humorous Robotic Behavior as a New Approach to Mitigating Social Awkwardness- Viva Sarah Press and Hadas Erel The Topo-Speech sensory substitution system as a method of conveying spatial information to the blind and vision impaired- Amber Maimon, Iddo Wald, Meshi Ben Oz, Sophie Codron, Ophir Netzer, Benedetta Heimler and Amir Amedi
12:00 Paper session 2.2: Human-Human Natural Interaction (Room C109)A Table Spinning Top to Enhance Family Quality Time- Noa Morag, Ofir Sadka, Aviv Yativ, Noga Rosenberg, Gil Kfir, Yonatan Ozbaher, Oren Zuckerman, Hadas Erel Give Me Your Hand: Natural Interaction Methods with Hearing Aids for Elderly Users and their Conversation Partners- Elisheva Shiri Decktor, May Zaltzman and Michal Rinott Verbal Communication in Collocated Creative Tasks: Comparing Differences between Physical, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Environments- Ram Margalit, Joel Lanir and Ofer Arazy All it Takes is a Slight Rotation: Robotic Bar-stools Enhance Intimacy in Couples’ Conflict- Ofir Sadka, Avi Parush, Oren Zuckerman and Hadas Erel
13:00 Lunch, demos & posters presentationLocation: In the Communication lobby Posters and Demos: Avoiding Obstacles in Pass-through VR- Ilan Vol and Shachar Accessibility challenges of people with low vision when visiting the museum - Rami Salameh, Joel Lanir and Sarit Szpiro Can robots impact our willingness to explore new experiences?- Adi Manor, Mario Mikulincer and Hadas Erel Demo: Technologically assisted heart-focused interoceptive training- Olga Dobrushina, Yossi Tamim, Iddo Wald and Amir Amedi Developing a Crowd-Computing Platform for Biodiversity Monitoring- Weaam Shaheen, Yiftach Nagar, Achiad Davidson, Ayala Granat and Ofer Arazy Designing for Accessibility in Cultural Heritage – Exploring Tangible Technologies for Enhancing the Museum Visit Experience for Blind Visitors - Alexandra Danial-Saad, Tsvi Kuflik, Yael Avni, Yoav Cornfield and Helwa Awad Evolutions in time-varying networks -Yonit Rusho, Asaf Shapira, Yigal Hoffner, Noor Haj Dawood, Adi Peled and Noy Shabo Extrospection: Bio Signals Embodiment in Virtual Reality- Ori Chauss, Emi Schenkelbach Kliener, Einat Geva and Jonathan Giron Emotional Home- Andrey Grishko, Juna Khatib and Oren Zuckerman MedHEATate- Exploring heat feedback for the practice of meditation-Talia Ezer MaidenbaumBird’s Eye View Effect on Situational Awareness in Remote Driving-Avishag Boker and Joel Lanir Nopper- Adam Aronov Socially Assistive Robots for Parkinson's Disease: Concerns of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease- Azriel Kaplan, Shirel Barkan-Slater and Shelly Levy-Tzedek Socially Assistive Robots for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: Focus Groups with Family Members- Shirel Barkan-Slater, Azriel Kaplan and Shelly Levy-Tzedek Socially assistive robots for vestibular rehabilitation: Aspects of concern to stakeholders- Liran Kalderon, Azriel Kaplan, Amit Wolfovitz, Yoav Gimmon and Shelly Levy-Tzedek Some Games Start Where Gameplay Ends – An Exploration of Negative Space in Video Games. A Demo - Lost Days, Snow & Birds, It’s All About Holes- Esti Eliash The 79th Organ - A novel artificial organ to support a meaningful relationship between a person and their stress processes- Dana Farber Canaan The Avatar Dressing Room: Enhancing embodiment and Proteus effects in virtual reality- Alon Rosenbaum and Michal Rinott The Effect of Gestalt Psychology Design on Website Button Identification-Irit Katsur and Ofer Bergman The Impact of Explainable AI on the Ability of Humans to Detect Blind Spots in AI- Ido Leshem, Avi Parush and Ofra Amir Reflecting on Your Child Needs: Designing a Tangible Object For Enhancing Parental Mentalization - Elior Carsenti, Hadas Erel, Mario Mikulincer and Oren Zuckerman
14:15 Panel: Human-AI Collaboration in UX and Product TeamsPanel participants: Daniella Gilboa, AIVF Gilad Lumbroso, AI21 Ben Shnaper, Microsoft Moderator: Prof. Oren Zuckerman, Reichman University
15:00 Closing notes and prizesBest Demo and Poster will be chosen by the conference committee.

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